Structural Vibration Solutions (Denmark) was founded March 1, 1999 as a spin-off from Aalborg University in Denmark. We are focused on the mission to be the leading provider of Operational Modal Analysis solutions in the world and to follow our vision to develop Structural Vibration Solutions that every engineer can use.
- Vibration analysis of large construction structures.
- Vibration analysis of the machines in the factory.
* Typical case studies:
- Ambient Vibration Testing of a Bell Tower, Switzerland.
- Ambient Vibration Testing of the Vasco da Gama Bridge, Portugal.
- Ambient Vibration Testing of a Dam, Canada…
ARTeMIS Modal is a powerful and versatile tool designed for the OMA, EMA, ODS and SHM analysis.
- The software allows the user to create a model of the object of interest, and input real measurement data onto the model to simulate the effects of vibrations:

- Modul SMH plugin specializes in large structures:

Simulate the effect of vibration on the model

Analyze vibration frequency, determine the natural frequency of the structures

Detect possible damage by referencing abnormal values or comparing values of different measurements

The damage estimation hypothesis is based on the Hankel matrix image obtained through SVD (Singular Value Decomposition)