Easylux Retroreflectometer specializes in the design and development of precision optoelectronic measurement systems.The innovative optical system is the result of 10 years of hard work by a non-conformist engineering team. Easylux holds the most advanced handheld solution for accurately measures the retroreflectance of road markings, road studs, traffic signs and safety clothing. With a clear awareness that the compact, intuitive design not only brings convenience but also safety and reliability to customers during use, EasyLux has created and developed equipment models with the most compact size, lightest, easiest to use and most effective investment cost. Easylux inventions have been certified by StrAus-Zert Europe, according to the rigorous standards EN1436, ASTM E1710, ASTM E2302, ASTM E2832 and ASTM E2177.
Application: MiniReflecto Horizontal measures the night visibility (RL), the Day Visibility (Qd), the visibility under wet (RL wet) and continuous wetting conditions (RL-2 rain) of road markings.
Standards: The MINI retroreflectometer for road markings meets all standards:
30-meter by ASTM E1710 and EN1436 for RL (88.76°/1.05°).
ASTM E2302 and EN1436 for Qd (2.29° ).
ASTM E2177 and EN1436 for RLwet.
ASTM E2832 and EN1436 for Continuous Wetting RL-2 .
15-meter by NBR14723 (86.5°/1.5°). (optional)
-.The MiniReflecto uses standard AA size batteries – easy to find and to replace at any time, can make around 8000 sequential measurements per battery charge. All measured data is stored as text files onto a removable SD Card.
- MINI weights is less than 2.1 kg – with AA batteries – and the size is very compact (255 mm x 160 mm x 220 mm). Those values are nearly half of the old technology competitors.
- The MiniReflecto uses LED technology, which makes the instrument almost maintenance-free and energy efficient. The innovative patent pending optical system is in accordance with CIE V( ʎ ) specifications, enabling accurate measuring of all colors and types of road markings – even profiled up to 15 mm.
- Color transflective (sun readable) LCD with touchscreen.
- External beam retroreflectometer. Free access over measurement area.
- Register the date, time, GPS, humidity, temperature, tilt %,..., LOG facilities (Road name, milestone, color, material, ...)
- Android interface: Android smartphone bluetooth interface (optional).
- Easydata is a free software tool developed to manage measured figures of all Esylux Retroreflectometers.
• Filter data by value and color.
• Generate Excel measurements reports.
• Generate Google Earth KML reports.
• Display measured points on the map.
- There is an option to integrate the Camera to capture the road marking area.