Brand and equipment: PaveTesting Limited has been at the forefront of developing new technologies for over 10 years. Based in the UK, the company designs and manufactures pavement testing equipment to meet the safety standard requirements of regulators and the commercial requirements of paved surface operators worldwide.
Whether your requirements call for a Light Weight Handheld Deflectometer, or the Super Heavy Weight Trailer Mounted Deflectometer, We can help.
All Deflectometers manufactured by PaveTesting provide fast and accurate measurements with each system having the ability to be customised to your specific requirements.
- A Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD) is used to measure the vertical deflection response of a surface to an impulse load. Precision load measurement and deflection sensors record the pavement surface characteristic, which is used to calculate pavement properties such as:
+ Bearing Capacity
+ Layer Thickness
+ E Moduli
+ Expected Surface Life
- The Pave®FWD is used on highways, local roads, car parks and airport runway for the purposes:
+ Pavement rehabilitation and overlay
+ PCC joint sealing evaluation
+ Pavement management systems
+ Load transfer efficiency
+ Void detection
+ Spring load restrictions
+ Utility cuts
+ Experimental paving materials
+ Project acceptance and evaluation
- Can be upgraded to Heavy Falling Weight Deflectometer, Pave®HWD and the Super Heavy, Pave®SHWD are twin axle trailers used for non-destructive testing of stiff bound material as found on Airport Runways and truck car parks. Using the same technology as the Pave®FWD they are used to determine the stress/strain parameters of pavements and subgrades that require loads of 250kN or 350kN.
Standards: All Equipment meet and exceed specifications set forth by ASTM and AASHTO standard:
ASTM D4694-96, ASTM D4695-03, ASTM D7228-06a, ASTM E1777-96, ASTM (for LWD): E2835-11.