Marine geophysics is a field of geophysics, using boats and advanced and modern machinery and equipment dedicated to performing geophysical surveys on covered water areas such as seas or rivers and lakes, to study geology in service of oil and gas, mineral exploration, engineering geological survey, environmental geology,...
The methods commonly used in marine geophysics are: High resolution reflective seismic, measure magnetic, measure gravity, side scan sonar, reverb depth measurement or natural Gamma spectroscopy…
Keeping pace with Customer's request to provide modern and recent technological equipment, ILTech recently signed a contract to supply 01 set of marine geophysical equipment to a state unit, bring practical value/benefits to users, promote high-tech application analysis, measurement and monitoring for the vast waters of our country.

High-resolution shallow seismic measurements and typical recordings
With a team of highly qualified, experienced and dedicated personnel, ILTech is confident not only to provide high quality technology solutions but also to provide technical services and services. Best after-sales for domestic and foreign customers.