PDA (Pile Driving Analyzer) - is a high strain dynamic test method applied to evaluate the load capacity of vertical single piles and oblique single piles, regardless of size and construction method (driving, pressing, drop drilling, guide drilling, bored drilling...) through determining the force and velocity of the pile body due to an axial force acting on the pile head by a heavy hammer to create a large enough displacement in the pile head area .

Recently, International Leading Technologies Transfer Co., Ltd (ILTech) completed a contract to train and instruct on the use of Pile Driving Analyzer (PDA) equipment for a prestigious private company in the field of construction inspection.
Training scope includes:
- Instructions on principles of experimentation and operation.
- Instructions for using the equipment.
- Instructions for analyzing and processing data.
- Troubleshooting instructions.
- Answer questions within the scope of training.
Training services and instructions for using Pile Driving Analyzer (PDA) by ILTech are performed by expert with many years of experience, ensure that after training, users can use the device thoroughly and effectively at work.

With a team of highly qualified, experienced and dedicated personnel, ILTech is confident not only to provide high quality technology solutions but also to provide technical services and services. Best after-sales for domestic and foreign customers.