A system of non-destructive testing equipment collects and diagnoses road / tunnel conditions from Roadscanners (Finland). Its key expertise has been in the development of the use of new digital electromagnetic non-destructive methods, such as ground penetrating radar (GPR), laser scanner, accelerometer, HD and thermal camera linked together with GPS or DMI, in the monitoring and diagnostics of roads and tunnels surface conditions.
The system comes with specialized software that simultaneously displays all visual data, helping operators to check, analyze and process data easily and accurately.With such a complete system, this vehicle is truly a world class vehicle system for surveying roads and tunnels.
The system consist modules:
a. Camera Module for capturing real high-definition (HD) video images of tunnel surface conditions (ceiling, tunnel walls, pavement), help operators detect irregularities and easily collate data from other measurement channels in order to be able to make assessments about the conditions of the structure;

b. Thermal Camera module for capturing thermal images of the tunnel surface, showing the areas with unusually low temperatures, it helps operators to locate moisture areas on the surface ...

c.Laser sensor module for scanning tunnel surface and pavement for longitudinal profile, dimension measurement, diagnose structure surface detecting distresses or abnormalis, ...

3D accelerometer measures the road surface flatness and calculates the IRI to meet international standards World Bank Class 3.
d. Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR/Georadar), when integrated into the survey vehicle, it helps to collect data on thickness of pavement and structure layers, or help detect abnormalis inside the tunnel concrete structure and pavement (voids, moistures)